Sentence examples of "lucky" in English
No te das cuenta de lo afortunado que Lucky in spanish. Maria said to herself, "I am very lucky ". María se dijo a sí misma "soy muy afortunada ".
How lucky I am to meet you here! The reason I succeeded was because I was lucky. La razón por la que triunfé fue porque fui afortunado.

Lucky are those who have escaped safe and sound. Aquellos Lucky in spanish escaparon sanos y salvos son afortunados. After that fall she's lucky to be alive. Después de aquella caída, ella es afortunada de estar viva. It was very lucky for me that I saw him.
Fui muy afortunado de verlo. I am very lucky to have friends who care about me. Soy muy afortunado de tener amigos que se preocupan por mí.
Kouji was lucky ; his traffic accident left only a minor scratch on the side of his car. Lucky in spanish of word usage in different contexts are provided solely for linguistic purposes, i. All samples are automatically collected from a variety of publicly available open spnish using bilingual search technologies.
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Jason Mraz - Lucky (feat. Colbie Caillat) [Official Video] [HD Remaster]
Grammar Patterns. English Usage.

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Domar la suerte / To Break Lucky (Spanish Edition) - Softcover
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