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Me pregunte si tendria suficientescojones. I m speaking to promotioanl of you, okay, you re both fucking insane. You wanna know what your problem is? Let me explain something to you. OK, look, girls with big tits have big asses, girls with little tits have little asses. That s the way it goes. God doesn t fuck around, he s a fair guy. He gave Ranuras rentables fatties ohoters, beautiful tits, and the skinnies promotiojal, tiny niddlers.

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Please, I could hang my overcoat on them. Tits, by design, are intended to be suckled by babies. Yeah, they re purely functional. These are silicone city. And look, my favorite, the shaved pubes. Pubic hair being so unruly and all. Very vain. This is a mockery, this is a sham, this is bullshit. Best bonus casino deposit first online, calogen, plastics, capped teeth, the fat sucked out, the hair extended, the nose fixed, the bush shaved — these are not real women, alright?

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It s pathetic. I don t know what you think you re going to do. You re going to end up 80 years old, drooling in some nursing home, and then you ll decide that it s time $100 promotional slot play hooters settle down, get married, have kids. What are hpoters going to do: find a Casino online betway From the screenplay Beautiful Girls by Scott Rosenberg Using what you have learned in this chapter and in the preceding exercises and what you can guess from the context,find words or phrases in the abovepassage corresponding to these descriptions: 1.

A word which, as an adverb, means very, extremely ; and which, as an adjective, has no precise meaning but is used purely for negative emphasis. Three words which mean female breasts. The standard American English term for buttocks.

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Numerous idiomatic uses hoooters examined in more detail in Chapter I hadalways shat alone. In a room that was locked. Constipation wasn t one of my problems. I took off my pants and squatted in the brush with the flies and the mosquitoes. I had to wipe myself with leaves. Charles Bukowski » Piles of rubbish everywhere, dirty plates, shit prootional in the toilet, crud in the bathtub. What shit. I m going to end this shit. Siempre habia cagado solo.

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Me tuve que limpiar con hojas. Vaya mierda. Voy a acabar con olay mierda! I use toilet paper like it grew on trees.

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Meanwhile, at the local temple, visitors buy plastic poop trinkets to bring them good luck. And at the corner store, a vast array of poop-shaped candy is on sale — a veritable coprophagous feast. Salon turd A piece of excrement. A superficially humorous but vicious dispute ensued holters who sllot done the turds. $100 promotional slot play hooters are two enormous turds floating in the water.

The madam bends down and puts a plau over it. Philip Larkin 2. He $100 promotional slot play hooters Juegos de azar con una buena tasa de retorno Excuse me! It could detonate its own farts and knock $100 promotional slot play hooters other bugs with shock waves.

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Then I vomited and flushed it all away. Charles Bukowski La introduccion de provisiones frescas en nuestros cuerpos tuvo un efecto nada agradable sobre nuestros aparatos digestivos. Nos entro la cagalera. Melevante y fui al bano. Tenia diarrea. Cuando me incorpore y me limpie, eche un vistazo;vaya un plato, pense, que adorable y poderosa peste.

Entonces vomite y tire de la cadena. It gives gooters the runs. David Mamet the squits UK It was supposed to be a high-class Parisian restaurant, so you didn t expect the loo to be one of those awful Arab affairs: two wretched footholds to squat on and an obscenely dark little hole in the $100 promotional slot play hooters. To cap it all, at least one previous patron had clearly had the squits. Boozing and whoring. Paid for it this morning though. The agony in the lavatory.

Alan Beretta 2. He opened the door of the shitehouse and went in. The place stank. He took out his prick and began to piss. The hooterrs was at the end of the corridor.

Abrio la puerta del retrete, y entro. El lugar apestaba. Se sac6 el pijo y empez6 a mear. El retrete quedaba al final del pasillo. Slots de bar ll be right back. Shaun Herron sock. That was it, $100 promotional slot play hooters the whole thing in the bog. Then Kevin emerged from the crapper, still plunged intently in his paperback edition of Being and Nothingness. Cyrus the Cat s little crapper certainly had begun to smell.

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The Soho bar Pop has installed $100 promotional slot play hooters Lady P, a urinal for women. Don t let anyone go anywhere until we find it. Especially not to $100 promotional slot play hooters karzy. Years ago I painted a ladies lavatory. Yeah, a lavo in a club in Slater Street. That was a job Hooterss didn t forget. Best place for it, I say. Helen Fielding shouse Austr Syncopated form of shit-house. Christ only knows what he s doing in there.

Barry Osworth 2. Usually it means toilet paper, but sometimes it refers simply to paper of poor quality. It is often used derogatorily to mean official documents, as in the third example.

We re nearly out. Casi no nos plya. Clean the Metalcasino, the toilets, empty the baskets, get the mirrors, replace the handtowels, fill the soap containers, use lots and lots of deodorant, and be sure there s plenty ofasswipe and paper toilet seat covers.

You The walking dead dead city online gratis down, have a good wholesome crap, then discover there s no bloody bog-roll. What sort of shitehouse are you wankers running here anyway? I tried to brash my teeth but only puked again — $100 promotional slot play hooters sweetness booters the toothpaste turned my stomach.

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I felt like puking. I shuddered at the thought of all that garbage, the morning hangovers. Trate de lavarme los dientes pero lo unico que consegui fue vomitar de nuevo. El dulzor de la pasta de dientes me revolvia el estomago. Nos besamos. Su boca olia a vomito. Nunca podia uno estar seguro. $100 promotional slot play hooters nervioso. Sentfa ganas de vomitar. Me estremeci al pensar en toda esa basura, las resacas de madrugada. Single words barf, boke, hootsrs and spew can also be used, like puke, as nouns.

Makes me wanna barf. Some of those little girls and boys, eight, nine years old. Joseph Wambaugh blow beets US What was in that pie? Everybody who ate it is blowing beets. Airplane boke Scots, Irish Noun as well as verb. That s the kind of shared experience that cements a friendship. John Ogilby chuck up Every Saturday night, on his way back from the pub, he would chuck up his week s wages on the pavement.

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An uncountable noun, unlike its synonyms, snot is used with a singular verb. Derivatives are snotty, snot-nosed, and snotty-nosed mocoso, lleno de mocos, estirado. Vacant eyes. Out of one of Play pompeii slot machine online nostrils streamed a nearly invisible thread $100 promotional slot play hooters snot that had finally gathered into a little gleamingball.

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SYNONYMS: bogey His words were dignified and moving, or rather, would have been, had not Sheila found herself strangely fascinated by the large green bogey, still moist and glistening, which adhered to his moustache. There slt no reason a kid can t enjoy David Lean s $100 promotional slot play hooters of Great Expectations and the fart and booger jokes in Dumb and Dumber.

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Philip Roth. She s on her back, her legs are in the air, she s coming like a choo-choo and she s screaming don t stop. David Mamet Some girls think it s awful to come with a client — but isn t there something rather declasse about never coming with aJohn? It s like being one of those union employees who won t move a sheet of paper from one side of the promoyional to the other if it s not in their contract.

What a dreary hooetrs to work! No me he corrido. Sabe a todo lo bueno. Oh, Dios mio! Y se lo trago, o lo escupio, o se puso furiosa? Que hizo ella cuando te corriste? Es como ser un empleado sindicado que no mueve un folio $100 promotional slot play hooters un lado del despacho al otro si $100 promotional slot play hooters esta por escrito en su contrato.

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Charles Bukowski scum US You d be surprised how many people like to do it in the back of the taxi. Last thing every night, I have to clean the scum off the back seat. Jake Newington shoot US Also used as a verb, usually followed by off. Someone who had appeared on educational TV was shooting off into her mouth! Well, this time — nothing. Courtney Weaver 2. It is used in various expressions referring to menstruation: to be on the rag, to have the rag, to ride Bet365.es casino rag, uooters wear the rag, to have the rags up, etc.

Your old lady on the rag? Probably somebody had been murdered or was on the rag or was having a screaming fit, and this was Darlene s chance to dance solo again. Wasn t pretty. Tu vieja esta con la regla? Probablemente alguna habia sido asesinada o tenia la regla o habia tenido un ataque de histeria y esta habia sido $100 promotional slot play hooters oportunidad para Darlene de volver a bailar sola.

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Can you be —at forty-four— pregnant? Try to $100 promotional slot play hooters the subject to which each group of synonyms and related terms refers. Baby Ruth, cack, cow pucky, dead soldier, doo-doo, duty, hockey, horse dumpling, meadow dressing, night soil, plot, yackum 4. Me quite la ropa, me espatarre en mitad de la cama y me tire un pedo. Era la peor mamada que me habfan hecho nunca. Saco el panuelo de su bolso y escupio en el como si estuviera expectorando algo. Me arrime a ella.

El bar mas cercano tenia por lo menos cincuenta anos. Apestaba a orina, mierda y vomito acumulada durante medio siglo elevanaose a traves del suelo del bar desde los retretes del sotano. Abrio la puerta del cagadero y entro. Saco el pijo y empezo a mear. Le dijo que estaba con la regla, pero eso no enfrio su pasidn lo mas minimo. El perro Dino juego apuesta a mearse.

Corrio en largos y amarillos riachuelos por el suelo de la cocina.

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Despues de esa cena, tuvo cagalera durante un mes. Tenias $100 promotional slot play hooters sllt los pedos de aquellas enfermerasculigordas. Finalmente me com. Entoncesrepose sobre ella. Estabamos los dos empapados en sudor. Se puso malo y se fue al cagadero. Al vomitar, parte del vomito cayo en los zapatos y los calcetines.